1687573 visitors since February 9, 2001
Site de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie http://www.xenophora.org
Jacksonville Shell Club http://www.jaxshells.org
amber and fossils http://www.amberabg.com
website where many books about shells are listed. http://www.backhuys.com
website where many books about shells are listed. http://www.conchbooks.de/
Henk van Noordenburg ; sea urchin's collector http://home.planet.nl/~noor2643
Pasquale Fazzini collector http://www.cypraea.net/
Guillerm Philippe http://ph.guillerm.free.fr/
Loïc Limpalaer http://perso.wanadoo.fr/loic.limpalaer/T ...
Bruno Mathé http://www.zonatus.com
Alessandro Petronzi collector http://www.shells.it
David Pleuvret: collector of conus, cypraea and "freak" http://www.multimania.com/shellsreunion
Georges Sangiouloglou http://www.george-shells.com/